Personal Support for Agile Transformation

When we commit to supporting agile teams, we focus on more than just projects and deadlines. We prioritize accompaniment, continuous support, building long-term relationships, co-leadership, and organic development.


Focus Areas

  • Introduction to Agility: Short, practical foundation training in agile methodologies.
  • Development of Agile Leadership Roles: Training and mentoring for Product Owners, Scrum Masters, Agile Coaches, Center of Excellence Leads, and Team Leaders.
  • Support for Agile Team Transition From team selection to stable operation.
  • Assisting in bringing agility organically into your organization, from value creation to delivery.
  • Agile Leadership: Creating a strategic-level agile work culture within your organization.
  • Strengthening Agile Management Systems: Implementing OKRs (Objectives and Key Results), QBRs (Quarterly Business Reviews), and facilitating planning cycles.


  • In-person and online training with blended learning approaches.
  • Personal coaching and shadowing to reinforce roles.
  • Team coaching to assist stucked teams, enhance trust, and manage conflicts effectively.
  • Facilitation and mediation training and implementation within group settings.


Meet Our Team Members

Szabolcs Bubik

L&D expert, coach, team coach

Man was born to evolve. I believe a workplace should support this natural development, helping us to unlock and nurture our inherent talents.

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Szabolcs Emich

organization development professional, agile coach, agile innovator

For me, Agility reinforces the hope that our work, our workplaces, can be spaces for human development. I have seen and built environments and teams where the quality, the enthusiasm, the team experience that I think is worthy of people and deserves for everyone was tangible…

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Miklós Vargyas

I often experience that managers and colleagues have almost everything they need, what they want, what they are looking for and wanting. Often a small spark, a good moment, is enough for them to see and use these hidden resources.

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Krisztina Gulyás

organization development professional and leadership consultant, agile coach

No two personal blockages are the same, that is why I don’t believe in schematic, preconceived solutions. You have to cross the river just by when you get there. The solution is in the possession of a team of individuals if we give them space to think and develop together.

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Zoltán Szentesi

organization development professional, trainer, EIA practitioner coach-mentor

I believe that every human being is capable of development. In my approach, every change is preceded by an attempt to satisfy one of our emerging needs. This attempt requires courage, determination and confrontation with our fears.

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Adrienn Földi

senior trainer, coach, supervisor, organizational mediation professional

Real change requires time, purpose, great organizational and individual motivation. Agility is the framework that can support all this in such a way that the goal becomes clearer, while motivation is reproduced as a result of continuous results and successes. In this process I can support and help those who really start.

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Alíz Rekecki

trainer, coach, organizational developer

For me, the most exciting question is what makes a leader and the organization successful. I believe that everyone has the opportunity to live a successful, joyful life, it is not a privilege or something to fight for. I think the way to do this is through self-knowledge and self-acceptance.

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With whom?

Cetin Magyarország

Introducing agility, training, mentoring

Lufthansa Systems Hungária

Training of Scrum Masters

Magyar Telekom

Enterprise-grade agile transformation


Enterprise-grade agile transformation


Agile incubator product development projects

Európai Bizottság

training and organizational development on Teal and Reinventing Organisations


Teach agile product development

NN Biztosító

agile transition support, creating senior management commitment


Agile team coaching and agility trainings for several years


Agility introduction, training, support, coaching


Agility introduction, training, support, coaching


organizational culture assessment, agile implementation

building agile working method at every level the organization


agility, introduction of SCRUM

IP Systems

culture diagnosys, organizational consulting


training and organizational development on Teal and Reinventing Organisations


Agile team coaching, organizational development and trainings for several years

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