Privacy Policy

The purpose of the following Privacy Policy is to enable Art of Agile Kft. (registered office: 2097 Pilisborosjenő, Szellő köz 4., company registration number: 13-09-200003 tax number: 26748443-2-13) describe to you the processing operations carried out in connection with the operation, certain programs, consultations, other services and sending of newsletters of the website (Website) Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)) and the applicable Hungarian legislation.

With regard to data processing related to the operation of the website, the provision of services and the sending of newsletters, Art of Agile Kft. qualifies as a data controller (hereinafter: Data Controller). Contact details of the Data Controller:
Data Controller complies with the provisions of the applicable legislation during its data processing processes and fully respects the protection of the fundamental rights and privacy of individuals when developing its data management practices, paying special attention to the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation.

1. Data processing related to applying for and participating in programs and services indicated on the Website

The Data Controller provides the opportunity to apply for training programs through the Website for those interested. After accepting the application and the GTC, interested individuals (user) are entitled to participate in the programs.

In order to achieve the purpose of data processing, the Data Controller uses your following data:

  1. data required for applying for and contacting the programs provided by the user when applying: name, title, e-mail, phone number, address, billing data, method of payment, date of application,
  2. other data provided by the User via the Website (contact menu) or otherwise (e.g. by e-mail): name, e-mail, salutation, personal message;
  3. data contained in the opinion voluntarily given after the programme.

With regard to the data indicated in points 1 to 3), data processing is carried out for the purpose of concluding and fulfilling the contract (General Terms and Conditions – GTC) containing the details of the provision of the service with you on the basis of § 6 (1) (b) of the Regulation. The contract is concluded by accepting the GTC by you in the application process. Your data under point 1) will be deleted at the end of the year following the implementation of the program.

In the case of the data categories indicated in points 2) to 3), data processing is based on your consent (Art. 6 (1) (a) of the Regulation), which you provided when contacting us or by sending your opinion by e-mail. The data provided during contact will be deleted at the end of the year following the processing of your request or inquiry. After processing the content of the e-mail containing your opinion (section 3), the Data Controller publishes the opinion anonymously on its website, while deleting the e-mail immediately.

If you do not provide your data, we will not be able to provide you with the application, participation, consultation or contact. The data related to the application will only be forwarded to other service providers involved in the implementation of the given program or service (e.g. accommodation, training person, organization) if this is absolutely necessary. If you choose card payment when applying, your name, e-mail address and phone number data will be provided to our payment service processing partner, Barion Payment Zrt. (Barion), in order to facilitate the security of the payment service. The nature and purpose of the data processing activity performed by the data processor can be viewed in the Barion Privacy Policy, at the following link:

Data related to tax regulations are stored until the end of the 8th year after the end of the program or other services pursuant to Section 169 of Act C of 2000 in order to fulfil accounting obligations.

2. Newsletter subscription and newsletter sending

The Data Controller provides an opportunity for private individuals to subscribe to its newsletter by using the “Subscribe to newsletter” function. The subscription option always contains information about the most important features of data processing.

The newsletters provided to you by the Data Controller contain useful, interesting, valuable information and program recommendations. The content of the newsletters is not targeted personally. In order to send newsletters, the data controller processes only the data required by law (Section 6 of the Advertising Act): name, e-mail address, date of subscription.

We will only use your data to deliver our newsletter to you. The Data Controller shall not transfer the processed data to any other data controller.

Data processing is based on your voluntary consent (legal basis for processing), which entitles us to send you newsletters. If you withdraw your consent or use the opt-out function available in the newsletter, your data will be deleted immediately (duration of data processing).

In June 2022 and every two years thereafter, we will review the accuracy of our data and delete email addresses that have become inactive (e.g. you have not opened any of our newsletters) or are not working (newsletters bounce back), even if you cancel.

3. Data security provisions

The security of your personal and business data is important to us. To this end, during the data processing carried out by the Data Controller, data will only be requested from you through an encrypted channel, all data traffic and communication will take place through an encrypted channel. The Data Controller stores the transferred data encrypted, thus ensuring that the risk of a possible security incident is minimized. Only data necessary for the Data Controller to achieve the data management purposes will be requested.

The Data Controller stores the processed data on the  storage space of the service provider.

4. Your rights

Please be informed that by law you may enforce your rights at the contact details of the Data Controller, on the basis of which, within the limits specified by law:

  1. request access to the personal data we process about you or a copy thereof; (Article 15)
  2. request information on the main characteristics of data processing (purpose, scope of data processed, data processors involved, duration of data processing); (Article 15)
  3. withdraw your consent at any time; (Article 7(3))
  4. request the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning you without undue delay or the completion of incomplete personal data; (Article 16)
  5. request the erasure of personal data concerning you without undue delay (Article 17) if) the personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes indicated in points 1 and 2 (provision of professional material, sending newsletters); b) you withdraw your consent and there is no other legal basis for further processing; c) you object to receiving newsletters; d) your data have been processed unlawfully; Data cannot be erased if it is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.
  6. request restriction of use of the data (Article 18) if: a) you dispute the accuracy of the personal data, in which case the restriction applies for a period enabling us to verify the accuracy of the personal data; b) the processing is unlawful, you oppose the erasure of the data and request the restriction of their use instead; c) we no longer need the personal data for the purposes of the processing, but you require them for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims; ord) you have objected to the processing – in which case the restriction applies for the period until it is established whether our legitimate grounds override your legitimate reasons; e) request that the data concerning you be provided by us be transmitted in a commonly used and machine-readable format or transmitted directly to another controller (Article 20); f) object to the sending of newsletters – after objecting, your data may not be processed for this purpose (Article 21(2)-(3)); (g) initiate proceedings before the supervisory authority of his place of residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement (Article 77).

In Hungary, the supervisory authority is the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information. (Budapest, 1125, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/c.,

You also have the possibility to bring legal proceedings against the controller or processor before the courts of the Member State where the controller or processor has an establishment and before the court of your place of residence.

If you request information, we will respond to your request within a maximum of 30 days after identification, at the contact details provided.

Budapest, 2 July 2020.
Art of Agile Ltd.

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